Ground like an ancient
In times gone past our lives were naturally more grounded, our existence was dependent on our connection to the earth, feeling vibration and frequency shifts in our surroundings was integral to our continuance, and growth. It is now widely acknowledged within both scientific and spiritual communities that the act of earthing, also known as grounding, brings health benefits. Perhaps our primal shoeless ways were not primitive but entirely helpful to the progression of the primordial beings living on Earth, walking the Earth absorbing Gaia’s glorious natural healing energies.
Modern-day fragmented disconnected anxiety can be greatly eased with a return to a more natural, earth-based life and living.
The act of grounding will not only leave you feeling present and whole but is helpful in reducing-
Helpful for Improving-
blood flow
vitality and general well-being.
Blessed are those who can bring Earthing into their daily practice but for those who simply aren’t able or don’t have access, we have included some grounding suggestions to help keep you earthed.
Direct contact with the Earth, soil, sand, grass, grounds and brings positive influence to the bioelectrical function of the body. For those that live in urban areas without daily access, bring nature into the home, plants are a great way to connect- grow some indoor food, not only will the act of tending and communing with the plants help you feel more naturally grounded but you also find the connection to your higher aspects become more clear and connected, and well-being overall improved.
Water, particularly the ocean, it is rich in salts and minerals but also lochs, lakes, and rivers.
Visualise white light roots growing out from your feet deep down through the layers of the planet and anchoring at its core.
Domestic tasks, look for presence when undertaking tasks, being in nature has natural grounding qualities, domestic tasks are very grounding but in order to ground a fragmented soul it can require prurposful precense to bring lasting grounding.
Take an honest inventory with self- What activities, patterns of thought, or actions pertain to you feeling ungrounded? For example, social media, an over-consumption of social media, is very ungrounding and drains presence and peace from your vibration. Once you have clarity on what contributes to you feeling ungrounded, commence a process of elimination, slowly releasing that which does not serve greater grounding in your existence.