The secret art Of energetic Street Defence

If you are already committed to the daily practice of grounding and protecting, you have probably experienced the transformative shifts that come with taking the time to acknowledge and honor this integral aspect of self, but even the most dedicated energy healers will experience days where adventure calls and life just happens.

Energy awareness and it’s subsequent protection can be the difference between a good week and a not-so-good week for those who experience generalised heightened sensitivity.

The effects of another soul’s shadow energy can take those sensitive to energy more than a moment to organically clear.

Out of our comfort zone and habitual sequence, how can we fast track to a place of grounded, protected peace?

Remembrance- Energy is Energy- good and bad. When we experience a sensation, emotion, thought, or feeling that did not originate with or from us; remembrance that energy can be cleared and protected can bring an instant sense of calm and peace.

Awareness- When we receive another’s energy in a negative way, it can offer insight into how we are feeling, often when we negatively receive another’s shadow energy, it can highlight our own wounding and shadow aspects and this can transport us to a place of further vulnerability. Acknowledging this prior to entering out and taking simple steps to ground and then protect your energy, even briefly can both protect you from receiving the energy of others but also oversharing your own. Those with heightened sensitivity are often very aware they are receiving the energy of others but may not be fully aware that their energy is as powerful as it is, and if that energy is not aligned, grounded, and protected it can bring shadow to another soul, most sensitives do not wish this, so whilst energetic protection is there to protect you from another person’s energy, it also prevents your energy being absorbed by others, and as most sensitives wish to bring light not add to the shadow this can be good to know.

Grounding- Know that you are anchored to the earth’s core. Grounding is an integral step in energetically protecting one’s energy. A quick and effective way if you are not able to bring skin-to-earth grounding or are not able to visualize is to say with intent either out loud or to yourself that you are grateful that you are fully grounded, anchored to the Earth’s core.

Count back from Seven- The seven subtle layers of our auric field and seven main energy centers hold the key to our sensory experiences. When bringing energetic protection to self these are beneficial key focus areas.

Imagine yourself as a cottage in the woods, and an ominous energy approaches the quaint dwelling, would you run to the inside and protect the treasures within or place a protective orb of energy around the property’s perimeter, you got it! This layer -the outer layer- is the 7th layer and is known as the Ketheric template or the causal body, It’s the outer perimeter of your energetic body, and for most, it rests about three feet away from the body.

We want to bring an orb of protective light around this outer layer, the seventh layer. If you are not able to stop and bring the orb, ask with intent- for example, “I am blessed an orb of divine light protection surrounds my 7th layer”, and then repeat this for each layer, counting back to one.

With this technique, you will protect each of the corresponding chakras, for example, with the seventh layer you will protect the crown chakra and the first layer, the root chakra. If it is a particularly intense situation of environment, you may find repeating the process and bringing an orb of protection around each of your main chakras, working from the 7th chakra to the first, crown to root, will bring added energetic protection. When in overwhelming situations, this is a powerful, achievable method. The act of counting back from seven, acknowledging the orb of protection that surrounds each layer or energy center is powerfully protective, very calming, and soothing to the soul- so that you may enjoy your adventure in light and joy.


Ground like an ancient